Why, When and Where to Give Part 2

Your Gift / Giving

Second, there has been a lot of misunderstanding about when we should give. Many Christians only give after all their needs have been met. But the Scriptures teach that our gifts are first fruits (Prov. 3:9). That means the first thing we do when we receive money is to honor the Lord by giving a portion of it to His work. Anything less is not honoring the Lord.

Also, some of us are taught only to give at the specific command of the Lord. Of course, God’s Word is His instruction, and we shouldn’t have to have an audible voice to give us further direction. There are times when the Lord will specifically direct our giving, but it’s not all the time.

The Scripture says,

“As he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7).

What if the only time our children ever told us they loved us was when we told them to tell us? It is true that we have to teach our children to say things like “Thank you” and “I love you.” We do lead them into things like that, and the Lord does lead us to give at times. But all parents long for the day when those responses come out of their children’s hearts spontaneously. Likewise, the Lord wants us to give as we desire to give, not under pressure.

God’s Word is His instruction, and we shouldn’t have to have an audible voice to give us further direction. There are times when the Lord will specifically direct our giving, but it’s not all the time.

Andrew Wommack – Founder AWMI

So, when we are condemned into giving or made to feel guilty if we don’t give, that’s the wrong time to give. I had a friend who once gave $1,000 to a minister just so he and everyone else could leave. The minister said he wouldn’t let anyone go until their goal was reached. After three offerings, they were still $1,000 short, so my friend gave the $1,000 just to get out of there.

I would never give in a situation like that. That’s rewarding negative behavior. It’s like casting a vote and saying, “I like it. Do it again even more.” Every time we give to a minister who is manipulating us, it’s like casting a vote for that type of treatment. We have no right to murmur and complain when we voted for the thing we are upset about.

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