About Olive Karamagi

29 Aug 1959 - 17 Nov 2020

Abwooli Olive was born to the Late Yehoyada Karamagi and Mrs. Margaret Karamagi on 29th November 1959 in Buhinga Hospital. She is the 3rd born of seven children- Late Rosemary Karamagi, Timothy Rubongoya, Anne Karamagi, Lillian Tumuheirwe, Christine Osenga and Samson Karamagi.
She went to Kitumba and Kabarole Primary Schools and thereafter to Old Kampala Secondary School. She went on to do a Diploma in Stenography at Reeswood College, Nairobi. She later persued 2 Diplomas in Business Administration and Procurement respectively from Uganda Management Institute.
Olive was blessed with Children including Julienne, Betty, Sanyu, Olivia, Allan, Jonathan, Joel, Lt. Paul, Martin and Dorothy. She treasured, most dearly, her grand children Bobby, Mickey, Bella, JV, Sandra, Gabby, Kisha, Michelle, Mikael, Manuela and Tyler. Olive was also a mother to the Kwatiraho children, but such was her love that there are many more amongst us that called Olive mom.
Olive worked, in different capacities, for several organisations including Shell Mbarara, Impact Associates, USAID projects and most recently UNICEF where she has worked as an administrator for more than 14 years.
She was a very dedicated and diligent person, most often being at work by 6:00am! As an evangelist, she served with integrity, dedicated her life to ministry in Hospitals, Prisons, many other places and to many people. Olive accentuated her evangelism with singing at every opportunity in any curcumstances. She was a member of many Choirs- Enganjani Singers, Mission Choir (ASCK), Raham fellowship and UNICEF fellowship.
Her life was full of colour and this is best expressed by the passion and time She put in her excellent bead work- many here can attest to how Abwooli accessorized their wardrobes.
Olive set a very high standard of meticulousness in many areas such as time keeping, cleanliness, organisation and healthy living- she was a member of the Rhino Ladies basketball team at age 40!

Olive Karamagi Memorial